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ICWSM 2021 Paper

Posted on 16-Nov-2020 by admin admin
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We would like to congratulate Seunghyun Kim (Matt) for getting his paper You Don’t Know How I Feel: Insider-Outsider Perspective Gaps in Cyberbullying Risk Detection accepted to ICWSM 2021! The paper analyzed posts on the social media platform TalkLife to highlight how the different perspectives involved in establishing ground truth influenced the performance of the machine learning models for cyberbullying detection. Furthermore, the paper emphasizes the gap between the commonly sought external annotators (outsiders) for developing automated cyberbullying detection models and the actual victims of cyberbullying (insiders) and advocates the need to incorporate human-centeredness in the development of cyberbullying detection algorithms, since the potential utility of algorithms declines while the risk of harm increases without representing victim perspectives.


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